Thursday, December 25, 2014

Basic Bug Out Bag Supplies

By Claudine Hodges

People have become much more aware of the need to be prepared for any type of natural or manmade disaster. Most, have food staples, water, and first aide items stored and ready for when needed. But the reality may be that you cannot stay home and weather it out. You may have to run. If that is the case where you are, then having basic bug out bag supplies ready to go, can mean your evacuation will be successful.

The most important item to carry with you or have accessible is clean drinking water. It takes one liter of water per person per day to survive, so pack three litters. Also, have iodine tablets and a small pot for boiling water.

You are going to need energy while hiking or hiding. Protein bars and nuts are an excellent source of energy. Also, have camping freeze dried meals or military grade Meals Ready to Eat, (MRE). The MRE's can be eaten cold or hot and your pot for boiling water is the perfect place to heat them.

The clothing you take should be weather and locale appropriate. Have a pair of long pants, preferably not jeans, two shirts for layering, and a jacket that will keep you warm and dry. You also need a hat, two pairs of socks, long underwear that is warm, and a bandana. Do not skimp on your footwear and have a pair of good sturdy boots or shoes.

There are many lightweight tents that will fit in your kit as does a tarp. In addition, you need good ground cover to keep you dry so take either a sleeping pad or a ground tarp. A good sleeping bag or bedroll is also essential.

Plus, do not forget your first aid kit. You can purchase one that has already been put together but it is better to build your own. By doing it yourself, you know intimately what is in it and how to use it. Fill it with basics, then add items specific to your needs. You should have any prescription medications, allergy and diarrhea medicines, sun block, and instant cold/ice packs, in case of sprained ankles or wrists.

The intent of your kit is to be able to evacuate and either get to a safe place or wait for rescue to arrive. So you need these other items. A hatchet for firewood, clearing paths, or if need be - protection. Do not forget a small pot or large cup that you can boil water for drinking or cooking. Carry matches or a lighter but it would be wiser to also know how to start a fire without their help.

Most times, you can hunker down and ride out the disaster while staying in your home, or shelter you may have prepared. But there are also instances when it will be wisest to simply run for safety in the woods or in the mountains. Have a three day supply of basics ready and waiting at all times, for you to grab on the way out the door.

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