Monday, April 21, 2014

Stick With Your Michigan Fishing Guide To Keep Things Legal

By Essie Osborn

Large mouth as well as small mouth bass can be caught and released from 26 April to 23 May. All lakes have different dates for the fish catching season. Always be sure to check with your Michigan fishing guide before, otherwise you stand a chance of getting a fine.

Bowfishing is done from the inside of a boat using specialized archery equipment. A line is mounted to the bow and when fired the barbed arrow impales the fish. The most common fresh water fish hunted this way are all types of carp, paddlefish, and alligator gar.

For residents the yearly fee is now $26.00 and if you are a non-resident the price will be $76.00. Any retired person of 65 years or older who would like to apply, their fees will be $11.00. If however you are 17 years or younger you will still need to purchase a licence but the fees will be for free. If you are unsure one can always go to their webpage.

There are also different types of reels used for this type of angling. The hand-wrap is the simplest with a circular spool. This is wrapped on by hand and is fastened by a holding slot. When a fish nibbles the line, it is then pulled in hand over hand and you can then enjoy your catch, take photos and collect your bragging rights.

A Marcum Camera Panner is a good idea if you are on the lookout for that trophy fish. This camera can rotate 360 degrees. The running time can vary from 5 - 8 hours of continuous use. The ice auger adapter can cut through ice up to 10 inches in about 8 seconds. The thermal tip-up is a must as it will prevent the hole from freezing over, even at temperatures of -25. It has a round shape and has a thick insulation.

If you are a novice and are unfamiliar with the different species, here is a quick guide. The Lake Trout has a well forked tail with black spots on its back. A Brook Trout has a slightly forked tail with wormy marks on the back as well as having black and white on the edges of the fins.

The Rainbow Trout or Steelhead has a white mouth with 10 - 12 analfin rays and has a spotted tail. The Brown Trout's tail is square in shape with an unusual colour of yellow for its abdomen. Its body is similar to a box and its upper jaw extends behind it eye.

Aiming is very difficult as the refraction of the water distorts where the target might be. If one is to aim at the target itself it will most probably be a miss. Many tend to aim well below so as to compensate. There is a saying that goes "when in doubt, aim low, then aim lower". The most common salt water fish is the southern stingray, barracuda and bull shark to name just a few. Whatever your preference is, always follow the fishing guides, these are there to ensure that rules and regulations are followed.

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