Thursday, January 30, 2014

Living Through A Female Midlife Crisis

By Serena Price

Most people do not realize that women can go through a midlife crisis the same as men. Female midlife crisis is somewhat different than the typical male experience because men are acting out of fear and women are acting out of disillusionment. Many women find themselves at the age when the kids are grown and have moved away and they realize that most of the dreams they had have not been accomplished.

As an answer to the depression that they feel some women may turn to alcohol or drugs for relief. They drink in private and keep it a secret from those around them. This behavior makes it even more insidious and difficult to overcome. The drugs they use can be sleeping pills or opiate pain medications. When this happens it is important to find a treatment program as soon as possible.

The age range for this to happen is between forty and fifty years old so they may also be going through menopause at the same time. Hormonal changes in their body add to the problem and can cause them to see themselves as less attractive as a mate. They may become impulsive in their behavior or go on shopping sprees to try to change their image. They can just as easily become discontented with their life partners and seek to break free in some areas.

During this period there will be changes in behavior as well as mood swings. The woman may become a compulsive shopper or become compulsive about her appearance just as easily. This is a period of doubting one's self worth and abilities. Many women in this situation have breast implants or face lifts done and change their mode of dress to look younger.

Husbands often do not realize what their wives are going through and can end up wounded by the changes they see. All of the sudden their wife wants to strike out on her own and become independent. She no longer desires his companionship and the rejection is difficult for him to endure. She is trying new things and he may not be involved with the new things. What he needs to remember is to support her in these new enterprises and grow with her without crowding her.

All of this discontent with one's life can be a wake up call for you if you recognize what is happening. It can be a period of personal growth and exploration of options for you. You can do all of this and not destroy your life as you know it. This same period can serve to give your spouse the same opportunities for growth and self realization.

There are five distinct phases of MLC that you must pass through to survive this period of life. They are much the same for men and women. They consist of; shock, denial, depression, anger and finally acceptance. You may rotate through these symptoms several times before you reach acceptance but you will get there eventually.

To survive the female midlife crisis you must first acknowledge what is happening. Then talk about it to your family and friends. That can take some of the power away from it. Also talk to your doctor if you become depressed. There is help for depression available that includes counseling and medications. Make a serious effort not to over react to your situation. Impulsive behaviors usually have consequences behind them.

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