Sunday, November 17, 2013

Finding High Quality Taxidermy Animals For Sale

By Bonnie Contreras

If you're interested in taxidermy animals for sale either locally or online, it's a good idea to learn about the subject. The 'art' of preserving mammals, reptiles, and amphibians has been practiced throughout human history, and there have always been good and bad examples of it. You won't want to spend good money on something that will disappoint, so know what to ask, look for, and expect before you begin.

The Egyptians would often place a preserved animal or two in a tomb along with the mummy and all its funerary possessions. This, however, was not the work of a taxidermist but of an embalmer. People continued trying to preserve animals, often for scientific reasons, and the first guides to actual taxidermy were published in the 18th century.

A taxidermist uses only the skin and bones of an animal, discarding the rest. First attempts to present a lifelike animal specimen were unsuccessful, but ornithologists discovered how to retain the effect of a living bird. During Victorian times, exhibitions of exotic creatures were popular, as were hybrids (combinations of body parts from different specimens) and freaks created by those with less scientific motives. The sentimental Victorians began to 'save' dearly departed pets, while sportsmen and explorers brought back trophy heads for their walls.

Although early attempts to present animals were lifeless and stiff, improved materials and techniques soon brought this scientific tool into an art form. Skins were stretched over carefully-sculpted forms made of wire padded with wool. Padded wire is still used, as well as polyurethane foam. Visitors to natural history or roadside museums know how convincing displays of snarling cougars, coiled snakes, or alert deer can be. Glass eyes, artificial legs and noses, and other replica body parts help create the appearance of life.

Beautiful blue swordfish or vivid rainbow trout mounted on the walls of homes or public places appear to be the real thing. However, the skin of fish is very fragile, so the trophy is usually a carefully crafted, precisely measured replica. The fiberglass or resin sculpture is painted with care, and a spectacular catch is commemorated while the original was either released or enjoyed for dinner.

One thing to learn by surfing the web is that there are substandard examples of taxidermy. Skill and vision make the difference, as in any other art form. It's important to actually see the mounted animal, if possible. If this isn't feasible, consumers need to check out sources carefully by examining photographs (which can be deceiving), asking questions, and reading customer reviews. Areas which most often reveal flaws include the ears and nose.

There are many attractive sites online, with vivid photographs of red foxes, black bears, bobcats, and more. Even though you won't be buying based on photos alone, the galleries are fun to visit to see what's available. You might be picturing a wild animal in a hunting pose but find that you prefer one at rest or play.

Check out taxidermy animals for sale if you want a striking display piece. You may be decorating a man cave or a bar, for instance, and want something more distinctive than a neon sign. Many people like to delve into fantasy and get a Jackalope, a unicorn, or a griffin. The sky's literally the limit with this art form.

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